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Working Carers

3.5 million of the UK's Carers juggle work and care.  Despite this, caring still remains relatively hidden with 38% of Carers saying they are not comfortable talking about their caring responsibilities at work.

1 in 6 Working Carers said they felt isolated; like they were the only person in this situation.

Over 4 in 10 stated their colleagues and managers didn’t understand the impact of their caring responsibilities.

Managers and team members play an absolutely crucial role recognising and supporting their colleagues with caring responsibilities.

At Carer Support Carlisle & Eden we believe we need to support the Working Carer whilst informing and working with employers, embedding understanding and support for the Working Carer within the workplace, as a supported Working Carer is a valuable member of staff.

​If you are a Working Carer, see the support we can offer you.

If you are an employer and would like to know more about supporting your staff, contact us and speak with our Chief Officer.​

​Being a Carer does not mean that you have to give up work.

For more information on your rights as a Working Carer, click the button below...

Visit Carers UK