Penrith: 01768 890280 Carlisle: 01228 580214

Are you a GP, Social Worker, Teacher, Nurse, Teacher, Charity Worker, or working in the health and social care sector? Perhaps you are a Solicitor, Accountant, or someone who works in Housing or the Third Sector?

Whatever your professional role may be, we need your help. There are an estimated 6000 carers in Carlisle and Eden providing unpaid care to friends, family, and neighbors.  We are currently working with around 10% of them. We need your help to reach out to those in the remaining 90% who need our support. 

As well as working with adult, employed and parent-carers, we also support:

Young Carers, age 5+
We can work with your school or college to help identify Young Carers. We can deliver training presentations to staff on how to identify and work with Young Carers to ensure they can access the support they need whilst in education and training.

We organise trips and social events for carers, as well as provide information and one to one support from our trained Support Workers.

There are an estimated 700,000 Young Carers in the UK.  A Carers Trust survey found that 39% of Young Carers were not known to be Carers by school staff.

Former Carers 
We will support former Carers for a maximum of 12 months following the end of their caring role and can offer adult Carers access to a ‘What Now? Course to enable them to move on.

If you are working with Carers and in need of advice, support, or are looking for someone to deliver a presentation or talk, please contact us; we are here to assist.

We’ve been working with Carers in Carlisle and Eden since 2003 and have extensive knowledge and experience that we would be happy to share.

If you would like to contact us to discuss this further, please call us on 01768 890280 or email us.


"As a GP, I've found it invaluable being able to refer patients to Carer Support Carlisle & Eden.

Most GPs will have seen how the demands of being a carer can affect a carer's health, which isn't just bad for the carer but also ultimately for the person they care for.

​Carers are often isolated and find it difficult to manage day-to-day activities on top of their caring responsibilities. Carer Support Carlisle & Eden provides bespoke support that encourages carers to have a life beyond caring.
Carer Support Carlisle & Eden assists carers to recharge their batteries and strike a balance between helping their family member and taking time out.
As a GP, I know that services between health and social care can be fragmented and Carer Support Carlisle & Eden provides a listening ear, practical support and advice to bridge this gap in statutory services."

Dr Ken Sutton, GP 

Online Referrals

We can now accept referrals safely and securely online for Carers.

Make a referral


Carers UK has a dedicated webpage on Employers supporting unpaid Carers

Visit site