Penrith: 01768 890280 Carlisle: 01228 580214

Being a Carer, looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or partner can be both rewarding and exhausting.  For a Carer, it can sometimes be difficult balancing work with caring responsibilities.  

Supporting Carers to manage the sometimes difficult job of balancing work with caring responsibilities can deliver real benefits to employers as well as helping individuals and their families. Unfortunately 1 in 5 Carers give up work because the job of juggling their work and caring responsibilities simply becomes too much.

The number of Carers in the UK is expected to grow from 6 million to 9 million in the next 30 years, collectively we cannot afford to ignore this issue in the workplace.

You can be a supportive employer by:

  • Identifying Carers in your workforce, discussing their caring role and if it is impacting on their work with them
  • Adhering to existing employees rights; 
    • Requests for flexible working.  
    • Time off for emergencies
    • Parental leave
    • Protection from discrimination

Carer's Leave Act

The Carer’s Leave Act has now become law. An unpaid Carer now has the right to ask your employer for flexible working from day one of your employment if you live in England, Scotland or Wales. 

  • This could cover changes to your working hours, your times of work, or your place of work. 
  • You will also be able to ask your employer for changes twice a year rather than once a year which is helpful if your caring circumstances change, for example.
  • You will no longer have to make a case about the impact this will have on your employer.
  • Your employer will have to consult you if they don’t think they can make the changes you need. 

For more detailed information see: CARERS UK 

We will support you to become / continue to be a Carer friendly employer.  The accreditation, 'Employers Support Working Carers' encompasses 5 basic steps the employer commits to:

  • identifying workplace Carers
  • introducing workplace policies for Working Carers
  • consider flexible working
  • offer other practical support
  • communicate and raise awareness.

Join Employers Support Working Carers - It's easier than you think!!

We have found, through years of experience, that empathy and creativity, can solve most situations.

If, as an employer, you would like more information or to discuss a situation with us, please contact our office on 01768 890280.