Penrith: 01768 890280 Carlisle: 01228 580214
Eden Carers & Covid - 19

As the coronavirus continues to take hold, wanted to update you on how we are ensuring that we protect people’s health and act in the best interests of our Carers, our staff, and the wider community. We’re also trying to minimise the disruption to our services where possible and are operating in the following way:

  • We continue to monitor Central Government advice on a daily basis & act in line with that advice.
  • Staff have been and continue to be briefed on hand washing, symptoms of disease; including selfquarantine, and information from Central Government.
  • We are considering vulnerability of Carers / Cared For before undertaking visits.  We are contacting Carers asking if they would like telephone / skype contact from us instead of a visit.  Forms and information emailed or posted.
  • Visits to Young Carers occur primarily in school settings and we liaise with our area schools before attending a visit.
  • Our activities, hubs, etc. will continue until Central Government advice states they should be stopped.
  • If home working and / or a mass shut down of facilities is enacted from Central Government we will continue to work as normal, accessing our computer system, information and phones remotely.  Although we may not be working together in our office or visiting you in person we can and will continue to provide you with support and information.

We’ll continue to follow the information and advice released by Public Health England and will keep you updated of any changes via our website, Facebook and recorded phone messages. 

If you’re not sure what the best or right advice is for taking care of your own health and that of others, here are two trusted sources:

NHS (for commonly asked questions and answers): and

Carers UK and Carers Trust have made a joint statement regarding the virus. This joint statement covers an overview of the current advice for people who are providing unpaid care. 

Please do share with other Carers, friends and family.

Posted: 16th March 2020