Penrith: 01768 890280 Carlisle: 01228 580214
PAID Carers - how to register for Covid vaccination

Dear Colleagues,

If you are asked about access to vaccine by someone who is a Personal Assistant / Personal Care Worker in Cumbria (ie: someone employed by an individual to provide care rather than someone employed by an organisation) we now have a website (with thanks to DaCE) that you can direct them to so that they can register to be called, in due course, for a Coronavirus vaccination.

Once the individual has filled out the form the information will be shared with the NHS and Cumbria County Council by DaCE Cumbria who are collecting the information.

The web address to access the form is:

You can post this information on social media. Thank you

Individuals who are employed by an organisation to provide personal care (eg: domiciliary care provider or third sector agency) should be directed to their employer.


Primary Care Support Team / North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group / Parkhouse Building, Barron Way /Kingmoor Park, Carlisle /Cumbria, CA6 4SJ

Posted: 21st January 2021