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APRIL is Stress Awareness Month in the UK

For the more than 56,400 people in Cumbria who are juggling their unpaid caring for a loved one with their work and other personal commitments it is time to reflect.

South Lakeland Carers CEO, Mike Seaton explained: “A Carer is someone of any age who cares, unpaid for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction could not manage without their support. 

“Carers Support Cumbria exists to enable support to be delivered to unpaid Carers throughout Cumbria’s 6 Districts. We support all Carers; young, adult, working, and parent carers.

“In the 2011 census 56,495 individuals in Cumbria declared themselves as carers – this was an increase of 9% from the previous census in 2001. And as we wait for the results from the Census we all took part in last month, we expect that figure to have risen sharply again.

“And, the majority of people are providing care for more than 50 hours a week.

“As we think about Stress Awareness this month, we want to each out to those who are unpaid Carers to let them know we and other Carer Organisations across Cumbria are here to help.”

And if you are not an unpaid Carer now, you may be in the future as 1-in-10 people at any one time will be a Carer, and you have a 3-in-5 chance of being a Carer at some point in your life. And 2.3 million adults report giving up work to care at some point.  Almost 3 million have reduced their hours. (Carers UK State of Caring 2018)

Furness Carers CEO, Craig Backhouse said: “We believe there is a hidden army of unpaid Carers in Cumbria; we can help you and support you in your caring role.

“If you are a Carer, you are legally entitled to a Carer’s Assessment, which identifies your needs as a Carer. Your local Carers Organisation can do the Assessment with you once you get in touch, and then work together to draw up a support plan. The support plan can include things that you feel will help you, such as respite care, information or involving other agencies.”

Dani Leslie of Eden Carers added: “We operate from a strength based approach, looking at what you are already accomplishing, what support networks you have and helping you via the support plan to help fill the gaps.

“We work on a referral basis – you can refer yourself to us by phoning the number below.  Or you can ask a relative or professional (including your GP or care provider) to get in touch for you.

“Once we’ve got some basic information about you and the person you’re caring for, one of our trained Carer Support Workers will get in touch with you and take things from there.”

Your local Carer Organisation is here to provide the support and services to help all unpaid Carers in Cumbria and help reduce stress.

If you are an unpaid Carer, we can provide you with advice and support. Email or calling our office:

Eden Carers Email: Tel: 01768 890280

Posted: 15th April 2021