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How can you as an older or disabled adult or an unpaid carer challenge local council decisions about social care and support in England?

Local councils make a number of decisions that affect people’s access to social care and support. This includes whether they are entitled to care or support and, if so, how much and what kind of care or support they can access.

The Equality & Human Rights Commission are wanting to understand people’s experiences of challenging, or trying to challenge, local council decisions about adult social care or support.

They want to know whether:

  • the existing ways of challenging decisions are effective and accessible
  • people are given enough information about their rights to care and support, and how they can challenge decisions
  • people can access high quality advocacy support to help them challenge decisions
  • local councils and other bodies learn from challenges to improve decision-making in future
  • there are effective systems in place to check that decisions are made well the first time round.

They've launched a survey to hear from those affected by the issues covered by our inquiry. Complete our survey to help with our inquiry.

Closing date: 15 September 2021.

Please make your views known!!

Posted: 20th July 2021