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Success! Health and Care Bill - carers' rights protected at hospital discharge

We are delighted to share good news with you all regarding our Health and Care Bill campaign!

On 30 March, we welcomed an amendment to the Health and Care Bill which was passed in the Commons having been brought forward by the Government. This places a new duty on NHS hospital trusts in England to ensure that unpaid carers are involved as soon as feasible when plans for the patient’s discharge are being made.

The amendment covers all carers of adults needing care and support following hospital discharge, including health care support. This means that young carers looking after adults would also be covered.

Earlier this month, a cross-party group of Peers in the House of Lords won an historic amendment which would have made sure that carers’ rights were retained and enhanced at the point of discharge, which would otherwise have been lost as key legislation was being repealed.

Please see more details here.

We want to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to those of you who supported us through this campaign, by writing to your local MPs, by sharing local examples of poor discharges with us, attending our campaign webinars and for supporting us on social media - we couldn't do these things without you!

If you have any questions about the outcome, please do not hesitate to contact

Posted: 4th April 2022