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Our State of Caring 2022 report reveals the crisis carers are in

Today we’re releasing our State of Caring 2022 report: the largest and most comprehensive survey of unpaid carers. This year, a record number of carers took part, with over 12,400 current carers helping us paint a picture of caring in 2022. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who promoted the survey to their networks and helped us achieve this fantastic response. 

It is clear from carers’ responses that the cost of living crisis has created unprecedented pressure for carers, which has not only affected their finances but their health and wellbeing. Last month, we published a report, Heading for Crisis: caught between caring and rising costs, based on these findings.  

As well as finances, our State of Caring 2022 survey covered many other aspects of caring, from the impact of caring on health, to experiences of using support services, and the challenges of juggling work and care. The huge pressures placed across the NHS, together with the record levels of demand for social care services, means that many carers may not be getting the support they need.  

Posted: 8th November 2022