Penrith: 01768 890280 Carlisle: 01228 580214
You are invited to our AGM! Wednesday 8th November 2023!

Carer Support Carlisle & Eden’s Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 8th November 2023 at 5pm at The Office, Mardale Road, Penrith, CA11 9EH or via Microsoft Teams where preferable.

It's been a fantastic year and we'd love for you to come along and hear about our achievements, our challenges, and show your support for Carer Support Carlisle and Eden.

Would you like to become a member of Carer Support Carlisle and Eden??? What are the benefits??

As a member of Carer Support Carlise & Eden you will:

  • Demonstrate your support for the mission and values of Carer Support Carlise & Eden
  • Enjoy the right to attend and vote at Carer Support Carlise & Eden’s annual general meeting (AGM), participating in the governance and policy making of a dynamic and forward-looking charity.

Voting Rights

  • Individual members will be able to vote in their own right at Carer Support Carlise & Eden’s AGM
  • Individual members may be nominated for election to Carer Support Carlise & Eden’s management committee, the Board of Trustees (having complied with Carer Support Carlise & Eden’s recruitment procedures).

If you would like to register to attend our AGM (or become a member), please get in touch with the office on 01768 890280 or email

Posted: 18th October 2023