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Carers Right Day 2023

Carers Rights Day is about raising awareness of carers’ rights and entitlements ad to help carers get the support they deserve. Whether you have recently become a carer, realised you have been caring for a while without support or have been caring for someone for many years, it’s important you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available when you need it. 

Carers UK motto is your rights: today, tomorrow and in the future. 

 Many unpaid carers struggle to balance employment and their care role. A survey by Carers UK found that 40% of carers have had to give up work due to the demands of their caring responsibilities, while 22% have had to reduce their working hours. Of those who had given up work or reduced their working hours to care, 33% said Paid Carer Leave would help them return to work or increase their hours.

Carers UK constantly campaigns for better rights for the UK’s unpaid carers, including securing new rights for those juggling work with their caring responsibilities. The Carer’s Leave Act 2023 will give carers the right to take up to five days of unpaid carer’s leave when it comes into effect. But employers can start now and make a valuable difference by offering carer-friendly policies and recognition of the challenges faced by employees who are in a caring role.

You can read more here on the Carers UK website: Carers UK: Carers Rights Day 2023 or download the report here: Carers’ employment rights today, tomorrow and in the future (

You can also download the Carers UK Looking After Someone guide here.

Posted: 23rd November 2023