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Our State of Caring 2022 report reveals the crisis carers are in
Today we’re releasing our State of Caring 2022 report: the largest and most comprehensive survey of unpaid carers...
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Carers UK responds to Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill passing Second Reading
On Friday 28th October the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill, passed its Second Reading, with Government support. The Bill would make it easier for carers to request flexible working, by increasing the number of times they can request flexible working within a year-long period and requiring employers to consult with employees before rejecting any such request...
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Carers UK urges new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to ensure unpaid carers get the financial support they desperately need
Rishi Sunak has; 25 October 2022, been declared leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister. Earlier in the year, as Chancellor, Rishi Sunak pledged to uprate benefits in line with inflation and Carers UK is urging him to keep to his pledge so that hard-pressed unpaid carers can better manage during the cost-of-living crisis...
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Carer's Leave Bill passes first crucial step towards landmark new right
We are delighted to report that Wendy Chamberlain MP’s Private Member’s Bill, which would introduce up to a week of unpaid Carer’s Leave, has today passed its Second Reading in the House of Commons as well as securing the Government’s formal support...
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Carers and the cost of living: new research out today
Carers UK new report Heading for Crisis: caught between caring and rising costs, which published today...
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Carers UK responds to appointment of Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt as new Chancellor of the Exchequer
Responding to the announcement that Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP will be the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Emily Holzhausen OBE, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Carers UK said: “With Jeremy Hunt’s knowledge of the health and care system, he knows he must address two key issues for unpaid carers who are facing the double whammy of an unprecedented rise in the cost of living and a care crisis, ahead of this winter...
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COVID-19 booster vaccinations
Unpaid carers can now book their booster on the National Booking System. Earlier in the summer, Carers UK warmly welcomed the news that unpaid carers will now be included in the autumn vaccine booster programme for COVID-19 as well as the annual flu campaign where they are eligible for a free jab...
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Lesbian, gay and bisexual carers disproportionately impacted by loneliness and financial stress during the pandemic
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual carers were more likely to feel lonely and worried about their finances than their heterosexual peers This group was five times as likely to say they had received reduced support from local charities than heterosexual carers Unpaid carers who identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual were more likely to be lonely and worried about their finances during the COVID-19 pandemic, ...
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Carers UK’s responds to the Chancellor’s ‘Mini-budget’
The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP, today set out financial measures for the coming months in the Government’s Plan for Growth.  Carers UK is very concerned that the statement did not include any targeted financial support that unpaid carers need, to help them with the cost of living crisis they are facing right now...
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If you are a young person aged 8-13 years old in Cumbria, we would like to hear your views on what it is like to be a young person in Cumbria, the good, the bad and the what you want. Please complete the very short Barnardos survey by following this link: ...
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