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Care Quality Commission - Tell us about your care
As part of our 'Tell Us' partnership with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Carers UK is encouraging carers to feedback to the CQC on their recent experiences of using care services as doing so helps improve care quality for everyone...
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We (Cumbria County Council) need your views in the annual SEND surveys for parent carers, children and young people
As you may know from our last newsletter, the SEND Partnership is inviting children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families to complete the annual surveys about their experiences...
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Hidden Disabilities has teamed up with National Highways to help you and your family when in need on England's roads 
National Highways traffic officers are ready to support you and your passengers if you are involved in an incident in your car on England's motorways and A roads...
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Council adopted ‘restrictive and wrong interpretation’ of Care Act in cutting brothers’ care, finds court
Suffolk wrongly concluded that mother could meet all of her sons' eligible needs, in removing funding for family holidays, says judge A council wrongly stopped funding family holidays for two disabled brothers by adopting a “restrictive and wrong” intepretation of the Care Act 2014...
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Government seeks overseas care staff to fill mounting shortages
Taskforce launched to boost international recruitment in advance of 'challenging winter' by Mithran Samuel on August 8, 2022 in ...
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The final report is now available to read here: Carer Support Cumbria Rapid Research Covid ...
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Can my mother avoid using her home to fund care costs?
My mother is 82 and her health is failing. I think she will end up in a residential care home. She is concerned all of her money will be spent on care. Her home is worth £400,000; she has £50,000 in a savings account...
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Carers UK welcomes unpaid carers’ inclusion in autumn COVID-19 vaccine booster programme
Carers UK warmly welcomed the news that unpaid carers will now be included in the autumn vaccine booster programme for COVID-19 as well as the annual flu campaign where they are eligible for a free jab...
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Cumbria’s SEND Annual Surveys
Cumbria’s SEND Annual Surveys launched on 18 July and will close in September 2022. The questionnaire has been developed in co-production with parents and carers. There are 3 live surveys, please click on the appropriate one and complete: 1...
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State of Caring survey 2022
We are delighted to launch our State of Caring 2022 survey this week, and we would be really grateful for your help in encouraging carers to take part. All the information we get from carers helps us to build a picture of what caring is like at the moment and we are keen to hear from as many different carers as possible...
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