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State of Caring survey 2022
We are delighted to launch our State of Caring 2022 survey this week, and we would be really grateful for your help in encouraging carers to take part. All the information we get from carers helps us to build a picture of what caring is like at the moment and we are keen to hear from as many different carers as possible...
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Unpaid carers gain new rights as Health and Care Act 2022 introduced
05 July 2022 Unpaid carers gain new rights as Health and Care Act 2022 introduced Carers UK highlights new rights for carers on the 74th anniversary of the NHS New NHS Integrated Care Boards are now in force across England (since 1 July) and carry new duties making them responsible for involving carers and those they care for in decision-making...
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Support with living costs - Carer UK
If you are struggling to make ends meet at the moment, it’s important to know that there is help available. On this page, you can find lots of suggestions to help you manage your finances and get support during these challenging times of rising living costs...
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MS Society - Keeping Active Info Event
Look below for event details:...
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Carer's Leave - Wendy Chamberlain MP's Private Members Bill
We have exciting news that Wendy Chamberlain, the Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for North East Fife, has decided to take Carer’s Leave as her Private Member’s Bill...
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Do you support a family member living at home with dementia?
Yes? Please tell us about your experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic by answering our survey (30 – 45 minutes). All replies will be anonymous and completely confidential To get involved:  Please go to ...
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How you can get involved this Carers Week
Carers Week (6-12 June) is here, and as unpaid carers continue to face huge challenges it's more important than ever that we come together to raise awareness of caring...
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All Age Carer - Adult and Parent Carer Online Questionnaire
Cumbria County Councils Adult Social Care, Strategic Commissioning Team have launched an online survey to understand the views and needs of Unpaid Carers...
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All Age Carer - Young Carer Online Questionnaire
Cumbria County Councils Childrens Social Care, Strategic Commissioning Team have launched an online survey to understand the views and needs of Unpaid Carers...
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Carers Week 2022: support our campaign calling for a Recovery and Respite Plan for unpaid carers!
This Carers Week, Carers UK and the six other charities involved this year are calling for the UK Government to publish a Recovery and Respite Plan for unpaid carers...
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