Penrith: 01768 890280 Carlisle: 01228 580214
Support our Carers Week 2021 breaks campaign!
Ahead of Carers Week 2021; 7th - 11th June, Carers UK are launching a new campaign to highlight the urgent need for carers to be better supported to take breaks from their caring responsibilities...
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Carers organisation support online health and wellbeing Mela
EDEN Carers, who provide support and advice for unpaid Carers have joined forces with the Rotary Club of Brampton & Longtown and North Cumbria Health & Care to take part in a virtual health and wellbeing event...
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Freemasons are supporting carers with advice, breaks and activities
Freemasons are leading a project to help up to 33,000 adult, young and parent carers, with donations of more than £715,000. According to Carers UK, the number of carers grew exponentially during the pandemic, reaching more than 13 million...
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Cumbrian businesses supporting unpaid Carers in the workplace
BUSINESSES and organisations in Cumbria are helping to support their employees who are also unpaid Carers for a family member or friend and finding they can retain valued staff...
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For the latest Covid-19 guidance for Carers please see Carers UK link:
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APRIL is Stress Awareness Month in the UK
For the more than 56,400 people in Cumbria who are juggling their unpaid caring for a loved one with their work and other personal commitments it is time to reflect...
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Unpaid carers are eligible for the covid vaccine as part of Cohort 6 defined by the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations (JCVI). The definition given for those eligible is: •    Eligible for carer’s allowance •    Those who are the sole or primary carer of an elderly or disabled person who is at increased risk of COVID-19 mortality and therefore clinically vulnerable...
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We are recruiting an Admin / Finance Co-ordinator
For details and application pack please see:
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Great news over the learning disability vaccination change!!
See: ...
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Covid Vaccination Information
We are working with CCC, the NHS & Carers UK.  The final criteria for which unpaid Carers are eligible for a vaccination is still being finalised by Government...
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